Pewaukee Furnace Removal and Replacement

Pewaukee Antique Empire Furnace Replaced by HVAC Service Company

Antique Furnace Removal in Wisconsin

This antique wall furnace was quite the eyesore in the home, and the family desperately wanted it replaced. With the wide selection of Pewaukee HVAC services available, they chose Hot Point Heating and Air Conditioning for their furnace removal and replacement needs. Before calling our residential HVAC contractors, this family was embarrassed to have guests in their mudroom.

Aside from it being a blemish on their manicured home, this old furnace was also no longer providing the same level of energy efficiency a new furnace could, costing them a fortune in heating bills. Our professional maintenance technicians replaced their furnace quickly and with no hassles.

Outdated Empire Floor Furnace Replaced by Energy Efficient Model

Switching from an old, outdated floor furnace to a new, eco-friendly option made a world of difference in this family's heating costs this past winter. Armed with a new furnace, this family felt prepared for the approaching frigid Wisconsin winter. As always, installing this unit cost exactly what we quoted. Hot Point Heating never charges more than our firm, upfront price estimate, making it easy for families to budget the cost of an HVAC upgrade. And since our Southeastern Wisconsin HVAC technicians are available for your heating and cooling needs 24 hours a day, we'll get your brand new furnace installed around your schedule.

Contact the furnace replacement experts at Hot Point Heating and Air Conditioning for professional installation services.